
How to Kill Fleas on Dogs
Date | 23 June 2023

lBathe your dog with lukewarm water and mild soap. Dish soap can also help drown adult fleas. If you are thinking about using specialized flea removal products like flea shampoo, be sure to speak to your vet first, as the harsh chemicals may irritate your dog’s sensitive skin or present health hazards to young puppies. Never use products made for dogs to get rid of fleas on kittens or cats, as most formulas contain a compound highly toxic to felines.

lUse a fine-tooth flea comb to pick through your dog's hair. Repeatedly dip the comb in a solution of water and dish soap to catch the fleas and prevent them from jumping away.

lDo routine checks to see how the infestation is clearing up. If your four-legged friend has a history of fleas, use a flea comb at least once every week until you are certain that both your home and your pet are flea-free.